Thursday, June 10, 2021

Only in Nursing school....

 Does someone tell you to "go look at that butt" and you rush with everyone else to do exactly that. Kinda weird, right? Exactly what our professor said, and us medic RN students feel like we are drowning with most of the assignments- looking at a rubber butt with an example of a pressure wound is absolutely easy, and something we were eager to do as a result!

 In other news, here is my house:

  It needs painted, another window, and nothing inside is done except for the stairs and the bathroom framing. Still, a ton of progress that the contractor did in a few days!!!!!!! We will be doing the rest (hopefully), so it will be awhile before there is more progress to report. 

  I am super behind on stuff for my RN bridge class, as well as my Old Testament History. For nursing, our instructor is really cool, as are my classmates. Updates will likely be sporadic, but know that I think of you often!!!! 

  Happy Stitching/Studying! 
