Saturday, January 27, 2018

I forgot I was short...

So, I’m back at work today. Every third day really feels more like every other day. Anyhow, it’s been interesting. I woke up out of a dead sleep at 02:45 thinking I was late for work, just to realize that I was dreaming. Went back to sleep, got up got ready for work, went to work,  chatted with my partner, checked the truck, so on and so forth. No call for a few hours. I strongly feel that this call came because I had just changed into my sweat pants and decided I was going to start lunch. I tell ya, this job will make the most skeptic person superstitious. But I digress. So we head off to the local nursing home for an elderly man that’s weak with flu-like symptoms and weakness. When we get there, I get a report from the staff member who tells me that he started getting sick last night. I found my pt in the pt on the toilet in the half-of-a-closet sized bathroom after he just finished vomiting.  The  CNA in there with him tells me that he’s additionally having diarrhea. We reassure the gentleman that there’s no hurry, we’ll check him out and take him to the hospital once he’s finished. Well, the CNA helped him get cleaned up as the nurse tells us that he usually can walk (yay!), just to crush us by saying that he’s too weak to do so today (I sho sad!). I was closest to the door, so I go in to get on his other side. The CNA and I decided it would be easiest to help him stand and pivot so that he could sit down on the cot. Now, it’s important for me to tell you that I’m 5’. In fact, if you want to get technical, I’m actually a hair under 5’. This gentleman is at least 6’, probably a shade over. So, the CNA and I each get under his arms and lift. Now, she did great holding up her side. And I held up my side, no problem. Well, not with the weight anyhow. Only problem is, I forgot I was short (I do this on occasion), so lifting him up to my shoulder still left him with his knees dragging the floor. My partner read my mind like he usually does, and magically appeared and took over my side. It’s amazing how a lil height makes a difference! I almost had a first today on top of it all. *PLEASE NOTE, this following sentence is not for those that get grossed out easy!*I’ve played slip n slide on caca before (we had to get the patient off the floor and out to the cot after they had diarrhea). I’ve dealt with patients covered in poo. I’ve helped elderly patients clean up after their bowel movement before. *OK, faint of stomach, YOU CAN RETURN TO READING HERE. But I almost gagged from the smell in the bathroom! It was like a sauna in there and my stomach was pretty much empty, but seriously?!? This has never happened to me before when I’ve not been sick, and that’s counting much smellier and messier situations!!!! Am I losing my touch???? Not gonna lie, I’m a bit worried about this.
 I was able to get my food cooked and all immediately upon turning in my finished report after the call, so if worse comes to worse, I’ve not totally lost my ability to deal with unpleasant odors! Turns out, boiling my frozen dumpling thingies was a bad idea. Who knew?!? It turned into a disintegrated pile of mush.  And the sauce I picked for them was a very bad choice. And for some reason , my veggies turned out weird. It was probably a blessing in disguise that I didn’t get to eat before the call! I have a feeling that this is not going to be my day. Well, I’m  gonna return to recovering from my highly disappointing lunch by eating the surprise fudge round (super healthy choice, right?) I found while watching a movie. This will probably be followed by therapeutic stitching that hopefully won’t be interrupted by another call. And quite possibly a nap. Which is another thing that tends to attract tones, but hopefully won’t today :). I hope your day is filled with fresh air and a tasty lunch!
Happy Stitching,


Khristine Doiron said...

Oh dear that does not sound like a good time. A good friend of mine is a paramedic and I literally don't know how you guys do what you do. Takes a very special person. Hope the rest of your day was relaxing!

Robin in Virginia said...

Sorry about your lunch! I hope the rest of your day went smoothly. Take care of yourself so you remain healthy.

Gail said...

My daughter works a lot in the ER and she tells me stories that make me go, trash can, I need a trash can.

BarbaraH. said...

I am retired teacher and I can tell you, I could NEVER do what y'all do! I have nothing but admiration and gratitude for you!