Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

 No stitching yet... although that would be the best way to kick off the new year! Instead, I ran a call. Minion is sick now, so a different truck kindly took the first call, but then we caught a transfer from Local Hospital to Big City Hospital. The pt was pretty feisty. He had been diagnosed w/ a heart attack after his blood work came back. Some heart attacks don't show up on the monitor, which is why they look at labs as well. He was also having problems from CHF (congestive heart failure), so they gave him Lasix.... but no Foley catheter. Which can make for a long trip to Big City. One former pt overfilled his urinal that the ER had sent, so the floor was covered in urine. That was not a fun trip! Fortunately, this gentleman was not affected too badly by the Lasix, and was able to take care of that part on his own. He even put the lid back on the urinal,  placed it in a bag, and closed the bag! Definitely one of my favorite pts based on that alone! Ours was the second call of the new year. Things are going well so far. Our call volume was up considerably last year, so a reprieve is nice! May it also continue through the night!
  So, I've been reading a lot about folks praying, searching for, and picking a word for the year. I haven't ever done that before, but thought that it would kind of neat to do, at least at the start of the year. And Dayspring has a free quiz to take to help you pick your word. I ended up with "delight," which actually sums up what I've been wanting to work on lately. I feel like I've let my joy take back burner to less important things. I use to notice all of the little things around me and I just haven't been doing that lately. So, I think I'll stick with "delight" as my word for the year, at least for now! I will say that I find it a refreshing change from folks making resolutions. I don't have anything against resolutions, I just feel that if I need to make a change, I should start ASAP, situation allowing. If you are interested in taking the quiz, you can find it here: https://www.dayspring.com/yourwordquiz#/home  So, do you prefer resolutions, a word/theme for the new year, or something else?
 Regardless, I hope that this year is filled with more delight ;). wonder, happiness, growth, and stitching than ever before! And, in the wisdom of Smokey, I hope that you make time to put your feet up, relax, and enjoy life today and throughout the year!
(Excuse the jammies please, this was taken the other morning! Cats sleep in the weirdest positions possible!)
Have a great evening!
P.S. I do have an unofficial resolution to blog more frequently this year. Here's hoping it lasts!

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