Sunday, April 7, 2019

My Unplanned Hiatus

 OK, so I really, really wish I had some sort of hilarious story to share with you about why I haven't posted in almost a month. Unfortunately, I don't. It started with sinus/allergy stuff that morphed into a sinus infection. Oh, and my asthma decided that the weather changes had made it grumpy (this is completely normal for me in spring and is no cause for alarm). Then, when I got over the sinus infection (steroids helped), my allergies and asthma decided to amp up again, and coughing fits during the night have left me looking like I've lost a fight with someone that has both a mean right hook and a mean left hook (again, this is a completely normal spring for me- apparently my body doesn't like for the winter hibernation to end, although my mind and heart are still doing a happy dance for spring!). Now, my lungs are currently in time out. I'm planning on grounding them because I think this is starting to be a bit indicative of me catching the respiratory crud that has been going around at work. And I caught the stuck-on-a-toilet-while-hugging-a-trash-can bug that has been circling through work, home, and the daycare Mom works at. Unfortunately, that hit last Thursday....while I was at work.... yeah, that sucked. (I'm feeling much better from that, although I still get a little nervous when I have gas. Sorry guys, us paramedics have no shame....). The allergy/sinus/asthma/potential respiratory issue/something else is still a problem, but I'm tired of not being an active participant in my life. Plus, this next batch of steroids is giving me a tad bit of energy for a short time a day. I'm going to blame my winter fluff (OK, OK, its my usual fluff- all of the recent Dr.'s appointments have been a steady reminder of this. Grrrr. ) on the steroids. Surely it can't be from the chocolate....and the Pepsi......and the sloth-like lifestyle of the past 2-3 weeks (or months), could it?
  Anyway, enough about the general bleck of my health and that of those around me. Onward to the pictures! And the stitching!
There are also a couple of rows to the house now. I forgot to upload photos to google photos for a while, so my phone has been working on that since sometime yesterday, so no more recent photo right this moment. 

Smokey has kept me well entertained with his crazy sleeping poses!

 Daisy has been a regular MudBud just like her Dad. Sadly, no pictures. The Great Outdoors is not my friend right now. 
  We got to go to a Francesca Battistelli concert on the first!!!!!!! (I just had the asthma/allergies then- I was in between the sinus infection and the current respiratory and former, ahem, GI issues,then. Praise the Lord it all fell that way! Her concert was awesome! Sadly, a friend (I've made a friend- miracles do still happen!) wasn't able to make it, but Mom, Kirst, and I all had a blast!
I'll try to upload the video about the story behind her Free to Be Me song. It is hilarious!
  So, more about the friend comment. I finally found a new chiropractor since my former one retired like months ago (procrastinate, much?). And at this new chiropractor's office (I believe she is nicknamed Gypsy here), they offer massages. Something that I have never done before. But then I started. And it is pretty amazing! So, the lady that does (did- she's moving to a different chiropractor's office) the massages for me is suuuuuuuuuper cool. And we've hit it off. And, to quote her comment about me to someone who asked if we knew each other outside of the chiropractor's office, "No, but I like her, so we are going to be friends." Now, for a little introverted, bookwormish, nerd, such as myself, those are like never heard words that is  one of the most exciting phrases! Just for the record, I consider all of youns to be true friends, which is a title I don't give out easily and I truly cherish our friendship. I'm just also excited to have a new friend that might be free to occasionally go for lunch on occasion, chat with, and do whatever normal people do with friends (any advice here?). (If youns are ever in the area, let me know, I'd love to meet youns in the very flesh!)
  So, I recently (as in last night) started reading a book called "The Next Right Thing" by Emily P Freeman (gotta love the name, right? ;) Anyway, I have some big decisions that I'm in the process of making. Some of them probably won't have to be made for a few years (guess what my little procrastinator self is probably going to do with those ones?). And I tend to stress over big decisions. I'm so scared of making the wrong decision, that I can make myself pretty miserable over it. Anyway, her book is all about helping people like me find out how to have a healthy system of making decisions. I knew I would love her book as soon as I cracked it open to see this as her dedication:
And of course my geeky little self just *had* to text a picture to Mom. 
I feel like the future of my decision making is in good hands with her because that sentence alone tells me that she gets it. Anyway, just thought I would share in case this would be helpful for any of youns. I'll try to share more about the decisions soon. You guys I trust, so I'm sure I'll be sharing all of my yo-yoing on these decisions here. And probably some of the other stuff going on.
    I hope that youns have had an amazing Sunday with those that you love. I'm at work, so I'll take my leave to eat a snack now. :)
Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Emmy, it was so good to see your newest post. I am sorry that you are dealing with or have dealt with illness. I hope everything (sinuses, allergies, asthma, and the rest) soon settles down for you and behaves themselves. You have made good progress on your sheep stitch. Smokey is a cutie. Thinking of you and hope you have a wonderful week!

Vicky said...

Glad you are back and starting to feel better.
Don't feel bad about not blogging for a month......mine is currently nearly a year LOL