Friday, January 10, 2020

Just a normal day

 Smokey slept through most of the Aristocats movie last night. :)
Smokey is doing quite well. He behaved quite well when I weighed him last night. He was not very flattered when I serenaded him, or when I danced around the room with him to the tune of “Everybody Wants To Be A Cat.”  As far as the serenading goes, he should be used to my singling by now. And I thought he tune was a very fitting dance number for a girl and her cat. Oh well, I guess he lacks sophistication in some areas! ;)

In other news, I have been needle felting a lama off and in. All of us girls had brought a kit, plus one for Grandma S. when we visited them for our belated family Christmas. It was great fun working on our projects with Grandma. When I worked on a hoof last night, it ended up looking a lot like a little balding man. Do you see it as well?

 In other news, my Batman stocking cap I wear at work will have to masquerade as Bruce Wayne. I’m pretty sure I had permission to wear it, but they’ve now decided that it “doesn’t match our uniform policy.” Most, if not all, of us women wear our own stocking caps because the ones at work are made out of this weird material that just slides right off of longer hair. As you can imagine, this creates issues when you spend more time picking your hat up off of the ground than you actually 
 spend caring for your patient. I’m curious to see if other people will be told they can’t wear their hats with logos or not. I’m also curious how one of the bosses said they never saw it in the three years I have worn that hat, including the times I worked them on a truck, or chatted with them while wearing it. Oh well, I guess that shall remain one of the great mysteries of life!

How are all of you doing? Am I the only slacker that hasn’t found the will to drag containers brimming with normal decor, and later on, Christmas decorations up and down the stairs yet? 

I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy stitching!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Well, I took down the Christmas décor, but the wrought iron tree remains naked and waiting to be decked out in its winter finery. Smokey is looking good! Too funny about you wearing the hat, but no one ever noticed! Hope you find something that doesn't slide off your head! Have a good weekend, Emmy!