Sunday, February 2, 2020

I don’t care what Phil says..

This should be the only prediction allowed!   (Although spring would be nice!)
Happy Groundhog Day


stitchinrose said...

well now, that is a first time I had a comment disappear. I have been out of touch for a while, got sick before holidays and then the holidays and the first of the year are really busy where I work (at a church). Really enjoyed catching up on reading your blog. Showed my daughter pictures of Smokey and she thought it was our cat, she wondered when I took the pictures. :o} I must have missed it but what is your major at school. Wishing you great success with it. God bless you,

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

I hope you are feeling better! I'm glad you enjoyed it! My major is nursing at this time. My rough draft, subject to change, plan is do a bridge from paramedic to RN (one year vs 2 years of nursing school). Then, I might go for nurse practitioner. I've been a medic long enough now that waiting for a Dr. to say what to do, instead of just fixing it myself (stuff that I can "fix") will be difficult.