Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I made a friend!

Isn't it adorable?!?! Poor lil thing was wandering the parking lot with its momma. Baby is super friendly; it kept running up to be held. I had to hold it so a coworker could leave without hitting it. The sacrifices I have to make! ;)

Here is Momma. Momma did not like the baby getting too close, and definitely did not like baby following me around. 
And here is Smokey:
It has been a good day for cute kitties! Smokey started to tap the kitchen stool next to the one I was sitting on to let me know that he wanted to sit next to me. I had to move Kirstie's lunch box to the floor for the dork. He was super happy, and well behaved. I was allowed to eat my waffles in peace once I informed him that there was no cheese stick today. 
 I did stitch last night, but apparently I forgot to take a picture. Hopefully, I will get to stitch today, but I am at work, so it could go either way. For now, I must get back to my schoolwork. Why are books so fun to read, unless its a textbook for a required, but sadly not-as-interesting-as-I-thought-it-would-be class?
 Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

What a cute little kitten! I hope Momma and baby stay safe. Smokey is handsome. Hope work goes smoothly. Sorry about the less than interesting class you are taken!