Saturday, May 5, 2018


 I'm very grateful that Spring has decided to come. It showed up a while back and appears to be here to stay! Well, at least for awhile anyway! Here's some pics I've taken the past few days of springy things. Hopefully, I'll be able to add some pictures of stitching on Mon or Tues. The last couple of shifts at work have been pretty full; same with my days off. I've been preparing for a class in Springfield on Monday, so that will probably consume tomorrow after church as well (I took the day off work; my shift ends at the same time as the class starts and it can be difficult to find someone to come in crazy early at times. Plus I did not want to risk taking an important class  that makes me think on very little sleep. I'm kind of a baby like that! :) ) I'm hoping to get some stitching done Monday evening though! Ok, enough yakking! Without further ado, here's the pictures in no particular order:
 Mom always has the prettiest flowers!

 And of course, youns know how much I love photos of the sunrise and, in this case, sunsets! :)
 Baby leaves!!! Aren't they adorable?!?

 We thought all the frosts and snow had killed all of this tree's blooms; but it decided to surprise us and make a few more!

 A second Killdeer bird nest in the same spot!
Of course, the boys have been loving the walks we have been taking since the weather turned so amazing. Their favorite thing to do is run to the neighbor's ponds, and then come back and get us slowpokes wet/muddy, the turds!Banjo loves to put his toys in his food bowl. I'm not sure if he thinks that they're hungry or if its just a handy place to store them for quick access when he finishes eating. He also likes to put toys in the water bowl when we're playing. That's his signal for when he gets tired and needs a break. Sometimes, he does that because he just needed a drink and didn't want me to "steal" his toy.
 Guinea feels insulted that I called him a turd earlier in the post...

"What do you mean I'm a turd?!? I'm a perfect little angel!" 

And here they are begging for treats... and quite successfully might I add!

And for what is quite possibly the most exciting news yet: I made my first sale on Etsy Friday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Woo Hoo!!!!!!!
I hope that all of youns have had a great week and that youns have an even better Sunday tomorrow!
Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Spring is here although we had a taste of summer this week with temps in the 90s. Tree and grass pollens were heavy this week as well which is what I don't like about spring. Banjo and Guinea are adorable. Enjoy your class and congrats on your first Etsy sale.

Khristine Doiron said...

Yay on your first Etsy sale!! That is awesome! And great photos!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

We've been hitting 80s the past few days, fortunately we haven't reached the 90s yet! Yikes, its way to early for that! I am totally with you about the pollen; its been bad here as well! Thanks, I'll be sure to tell the boys that you said that they're adorable! I'm sure they'll feel that they deserve treats for the compliment! :) And thank you, fortunately the class went well!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you so much! I'm pretty excited about it! ;)