Friday, July 12, 2019

Sun doggies & a finish

So, ever since I was a kid, my Mom would get incredibly excited every time we saw sun doggies. As a result of all the great memories of those times, and that fact that sun doggies are gorgeous, I absolutely love seeing them! They always make me smile, even if it’s a crummy day. I have to say, God seems to be finding things to make smile today- not only did I get to hold a coworker’s 8 week old baby, but I also got to seem some extra gorgeous sun doggies on our way back from a transfer to the Big City Hospital.

I also got to finish Little American Sampler by Willow Hill Sampling’s. She is stitched on white linen (I forget what count) using DMC 823 and DMC 816. It’s been a while since I enjoyed every single stitch of a piece- I didn’t even mind too terribly much when I had to frog a bit!

 Sorry about the ridiculously wrinkled and hoop-marked finish pics. Here at work I don’t have my iron. Although, to be perfectly honest, even if I was just chilling at home I still probably wouldn’t have ironed her! I’m sure youns already knew that though! ;)
 I hope youns are having a great evening! 
 ~ Emmy


Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on your stitch finish! It looks great and I love how it used only 2 colors. What beautiful sun doggy pictures you shared! Have a wonderful weekend, Emmy!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

The two colors was my favorite part too! :)