Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Puppy pictures

Thought I should post some pics of the puppies. They are HUGE now!!!! They’re waaaay bigger than their momma, that’s for sure!


Bear, the heart breaker. 

Duke, the goof. 

Daisy, the Mud Bud. (Seriously, she can’t resist mud! If there is no mud to be had, she will get in her pool then roll in dirt, or lay out in the rain. That girl loves water and dirt! Bear, on the other hand, cries when it rains and cries if he thinks he’s about to be placed in the pool. Duke varies with his mood.)
~ Emmy


Robin in Virginia said...

Wow, can't get over how they have grown! Jazz, our previous lab, loved the water (she would have swum all day if you had let her) but hated the rain. Max, our current lab, loves the water but won't swim and doesn't mind the mind.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Awwww, they sound adorable!