Sunday, November 3, 2019

Its been a while!

 Much has happened. Too much to write in a "quick" post before what will hopefully be bedtime (I'm at work, so we shall see). So, to summarize:

 Class is going well. Miss Fluffykins has proven most valuable. Since she is a more difficult specimen, once we are able to easily identify stuff on her, it makes it much easier when we are tested using "better" cats. That said, I greatly look forward to when I won't have to dissect a cat any longer. It is still rather sad business. I am enjoying the class though! It is making a lot of things click. And, on Halloween, we were assigned a partner and drew an A&P themed pumpkin for extra credit.
Not the best work for two adults, but good enough for government work!  This was the first break we have had where I had 3 days off of school with everything we've covered so far already tested on. I haven't been able to figure out what I'm suppose to be doing with myself!

 Work has been work. Today was the first shift w/ my new full time partner! I haven't figured out a nickname for him yet. Its nice working with somebody that I feel safe with.

Mom's knee is coming along okayish. I don't remeber if I already said this or not, but they took 85-90% of her meniscus out. She has done one day of physical therapy and actually enjoyed it. I'm not sure if she will make it to her next appointment though. She is under the weather right now.

Dad and Kirst are both well. As are the pups and Smokey.
Daisy being surprisingly still.

Banjo loves crunchy leaves!

Banjo is so small compared to Bear (the gentle giant)'s hugeness!

Aunt Kirstie has Smokey very, very, spoiled. 
What do you think of my look?

 Fall foliage is very pretty on my way to class.
We had snow and ice towards the end of October. Not only is Walmart jumping the gun on holidays and seasonal decor, but so is Missouri weather! 
There isn't really much else to report. Tomorrow morning will have me rushing home (hopefully  on time) to shower and then run to class. After class, there will be boring errands. 

I hope all of you are doing well!

~ Emmy

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