Friday, May 1, 2020

Many happenings

 So, I think the comment issue might be fixed. Not totally sure, but some test comments are coming through now.  If you try to comment and it won't let you, please shoot me an email at the Thanks!
 In other news, I have a new partner today. I'm not really sure what to call him; until now, he couldn't work the same shift I work because of his other job. I think for now I will call him Milkshake since he really wanted one, and we went to Braum's. Works for now. Anyway, so when you are working with someone you haven't worked with yet, especially so when they are going to be your new full time partner, you want to make a good impression. You really hope not to do anything embarassing, because EMS folks tend to talk, with few exceptions, and you never know what kind of jokes or nicknames you will have to put up with. Anyway, all had gone well throughout day. He helped, kept a good attitude, yada, yada, yada. On the way to Braum's, all seems well. When suddenly, Disney's "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from the movie Mulan starts to play. We-ll guess who's cell phone was hooked up to the ambulance's bluetooth and randomly decided to start playing my Disney Pandora station? Yup, you guessed it. Of course, since I am not cool, and am a naturally awkward individual, instead of playing it cool and acting like, "Oh, wow, somethings up withe radio in this truck." I had to turn the bluetooth off of my phone- something Milkshake noticed.  Yep, great impression of being an adult, Emmy! Oh, well, it could be worse. A song I don't like could've played. Or "Shiny" from Disney's Moana could have played, and then I probably would have told him that that song plays in my head a lot while washing the truck. And that I sometimes play it while washing Bumblebee... which would have been a fun discussion about why I named my car. Yep, I totally play life cool!
  I did squeeze some stitching in today. I havn't have much time since finals are almost upon us. Instead, my time has been going to studying and reading a ridiculous number of novels. Seems to be how it goes around final time- oh look, I read an entire page of study stuff, I should go and read an ENTIRE mystery now! Yep, that pretty much sums it up! Great study habit, right?

At this point:
The third chick has joined his buddies!!! Yay!
 If Smokey was at work with me, he would want me to show youns his pretty nails:

He has taken to sitting, laying, and sleeping in such a way that at least one pawful of pretty nails shows. Except in the second to last photo, but that was because he knew I wanted a picture of his nails, and he likes to be a turd. Look how smug he is!

 Banjo had to go to the vet. Now, with the exception of bringing him home as a puppy, he has not been on car rides. While just a pup, he was hit by a pickup, and is extremely incontinent. But, he was peeing blood, so a car ride it was. He loved it! He didn't even want to leave the vet's office. No one in my family is normal, especially myself, so it makes sense that my dog would like the vet instead of fearing or hating him. Crazy dog! :)
Here are pictures of his car ride:

 He didn't believe me when I told him the entire Wacky Pack was for him! He knew we were getting french fries- I was already planning on picking up some for him, but that was the bribe that got him to finally exit the vet's office. He greatly enjoyed his burger and fries. Sadly, the toy was a choking hazard, but Mom gave him a toy, so he was happy! He is almost done with his antibiotics for a bladder infection, and is back to his happy, hyper self. He had the vet convinced that he was a calm, good boy! *Snicker*
 Let's see, what else happened? I turned 25 on the 25th. It was a wonderful day. Got to break the rules to go to Braum's for ice cream. Picked up BBQ. Mom and I looked at patterns. Dad and Mom's gift to me will be patterns. We haven't finished picking them out yet- there are too many awesome ones to choose from. Kirst and I broke the rules the day before to go to Walmart, although I still argue that a birthday cake and gifts counts as essential. Don't you agree?
 Gotta go, we just got a call!
 ~ Emmy


Kirstie said...

Smokey had to listen to the song "I'll Make A Man Out Of You". He really liked it! He is anxiously awaiting your return in the morning...😘😻

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Yeah, it’s one of his favorites! If I’m listening to it, he will leave wherever he is at just to sit by my speaker and smile at me for playing his favorite! :)

Note on the comments: looks like it had to be the web version for the blog to allow comments. If viewing in the mobile version, just scroll to the bottom of the page and tap view web version.

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy belated birthday, Emmy! I am glad Banjo is feeling better! Hope your finals either went well or will be over soon. Hope the new partner works out!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you! He is doing great, I can't keep up with him again, lol. I took my final on Sunday, and all went with it! :)