Monday, September 6, 2021

Hello, Friends!

   I truly thought that I would do a much better job of keeping in touch you, but we can see how that has gone. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that none of you are surprised; while we have never met in person that I know of, you seem to understand me better than I understand myself. I'm glad someone does at least!

  School has been busy, but good. My nursing professor is super cool, and my classmates are like a second family. When I got into EMS, everyone talked about how your coworkers are your family- they really aren't. A select few, sure, but not everyone like "they" said. But this class? Very much so. The only time I have felt so safe before is with select family, friends, and youns. Its a weird, but really nice feeling. Like being cuddled in a fuzzy blanket with a cat on your lap while watching it snow outside. I'll try to post occasional updates of random things that I have learned- that counts as studying, right?

  My house is coming along. Dad (bless his heart) has gotten almost all of the electricity ran inside the house, and the plumber finished almost all of hte inside stuff week before last. I'm hoping he shows up this week to finish tying in the water line and sewage (I really can't decide which one of those is more important). If all goes well, I can hopefully hire someone to do the insulation (I'm going with blow-in foam insulation) soon! Between you and me, I seriously hoping that I can move in over Christmas break. I have no idea if that is realistic, but that would be so amazing!!!!!!!

  On a similar note, does anyone know how to find a handyman, or whatever the proper term is nowadays? I am not really  able to help with school, and it isn't fair to ask my Dad to keep working on my house. If I can hire a handyman to take care of the necessitites, that will move up the move in date, and my Dad might actually let himself sleep more than 5 hours. 

  I'm very needy today; I have yet another question for you, my friends. A good friend from my class got married on Saturday. Does anyone know of any affordible embroidery or cross stitch kits for a newly married couple that would be a quick stitch? All suggestions would be appreciated!

  We had an interesting call a little bit ago. A young man was moving trash when he stuck his arm through an old window, resulting in a nice laceration to his R wrist. He had a makeshift tourniquet on, and the officer had placed his tourniquet on. We took the makeshift one off, and placed another one of ours. He ended up getting TXA, and brought to Springfield. A nice bit of excitement for the day!

  Whelp, I guess thats all she wrote! I hope youns have an amazing Labor Day (I forgot that was today until I got to work- time and half, woo hoo!!!!), and I look forward to hearing what you have been up to!

  Happy Stitching!



Robin in Virginia said...

Good morning, Emmy! Glad you are well and keeping busy! Hmmm, if you have a Lowe's, Home Depot or local place like that, you can usually get recommendations for handymen from them. Sometimes, the local papers run ads for handymen. I would think water is more important than sewage because without the water there wouldn't be any flushing unless you are using an outhouse. I can't think of a quick kit, but I know that there are some small designs out there wedding related. Thinking of you!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thanks! The receptionist at my chiropractor’s office gave me a name to try! If he isn’t able to help, I’ll try checking at those stores! I’ll have to search for a kit, I’m sure someplace has the perfect kit! I hope you’re having a good day!