Thursday, February 21, 2019

Emmy the Kid

 We, being Sketchy Fish (he named one of his girlfriend's goldfish this), brought a hospice pt from Local Hospital back to his residence. The family was super sweet. I felt bad; Sketchy Fish and I are both short (this makes lifting easier unless neither of us are tall enough to reach high enough to finish the lifting!) so when we carried the pt up the stairs and over his bed on the mega mover (mega movers rock; I'll try to post a pic at the end of this.), more altitude would've been best. Fortunately, a family member was helping with the carrying (the pt was really, really tall), and was able to help get the pt high enough. Anyhow, the pt's wife and daughter both hugged me (I love when pts and their families hug me- unless they haven't bathed in a month. Then, not so much. These folks were extremely clean.). The pt's daughter followed us outside to sign our computer that we had left on the cot. She said, "You kids are doing a great job." I got a hug and a compliment today!!!!!!!!! Yay me!!!! (And Yay Sketchy Fish!). And yay you!!!!!! Its a "Yay!" kind of day. The sun sort of shone for the part of the day, my partner today doesn't hate life and helps with everything, and I get to start a new project! I hope you are having a "Yay!" kind of day!
 ~ Emmy

Image result for mega mover
These things rock because it basically gives your pt handles!!!!! And, they are disposable, so no one has to clean gross stuff off!!!!!!


Robin in Virginia said...

It sounds like a good day for you! Have a fabulous Friday and weekend, Emmy!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you and you as well!