Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ah, tis mornings like this...

that I've desperately missed. Smokey and I are the only two awake (or the only two that are admitting that we're awake) in the house right now. The morning began with the left side of my face stuck to my pillow, glued there by half dried drool while rain gently fell on the roof. After peeling myself off the pillow and drying the drool off, I moved to a dry part of the pillow and dozed off and on for a while longer, soaking in the comfort of my bed and the peace the rain brings. I've been up for a while now. Smokey and I ate our breakfast before he helped me make my bed (and played wityh the watering can I used to fill the vaporizer last night). I love how he can turn anything into a game. Whether its chasing me around my bed, trying to catch his tail while I hold him, or punishing me for leaving him, it all becomes a game. I really should take the time to better learn his art of living life. Still, I'm glad to feel the fun again. I'm typing this one handed, pausing to adjust how I'm holding him to keep him from kissing my glasses, or to bop him on the head for biting my shoulder. The rain has paused and I know that I should probably go outside to feed the critters while the rain clouds rest, but that would mean admitting that this delightful morning was over. I usually only get mornings like this with everything calm and quiet when I awake early, but the rest are currently at work or sleeping in  after a long night's work, or continuing to fend off a bug by resting. Regardless of the how, I just want to soak up as much as possible of this morning. Just yesterday, my chiropractor, *Gypsy, and I had been talking about how much we love rainy days. We don't understand why others find them depressing. While I love and need my dose of sunshine, to us, a rainy day has so many possibilities. We can get lost in a book, find the calm again, or have the energy to go through things reminiscent of past good times and why-did-I-feel-the-need-to-keep-this things. A rainy day gets my fingers itching to sew, to create, with a delightfully distracting certain kitty on my lap. It gets my creative juices flowing and makes words become my friends again, as they ooze out of every crevice of my brain and crack in my heart. It calms my soul and brings peace to my heart. I consider the rare rainy day-especially one spent at home- to be one of God's greatest gifts to me. Sure, when the Missouri version of a monsoon starts, I'll begin to crave my sunshine. But for now, this is day of endless possibilities, of calm, energetic life, is absolutely perfect.
 ~ Emmy

* I'm calling her Gypsy here because when we first met her a few weeks ago, she talked about how much she loves velvet, making the comment that " must be the gypsy in me." Youns would like her. I always bring a stitchy project to work on, and she always asks to see my progress with a genuine interest. I don't know about youns, but around here that is a rarity, except for select family members. Plus, she's the kind of person you would want to meet for lunch just to chat with.

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

It sounded like you had a wonderful Saturday. Ours was rainy, so I did some extra chores and a good bit of stitching and reading.