Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday the 13th

So everyone is a bit antsy at work since it is Friday the 13th. Pretty sure I am the only one that is not (possibly one other as well). Here is why: for my family, Friday the 13th is a "lucky" day. You see, my folks were high school sweethearts. As the story goes, my Dad claims that he realized Mom was the one and it totally freaked him out as a highschooler. So, he did the only illogical thing he could think of- he broke up with her. They ended up getting back together on a Friday the 13th. Had they not gotten back together, they wouldn't have gotten married. And if they would not have married, myself, and Lil Nut, would not exist. Thus the reason why I like Friday the 13th. Yes, I am aware that it all happened to transpire on a Friday the 13th. I see no reason to not see it as a good day though. Especially, since I have yet to find a decent reason why people get all jumpy on it! And its fun freaking my coworkers out by saying that it is a good day for me and my family. ;) 
Total randomness, but  I saw this on my way home the other day, and it made me super happy!
Unfortunately, no stitchy progress to report from yesterday. At first, I decided to study (a mistake, but a responsible one at least!). Then, Mr. Smokey decided to use me as his pillow/bed after supper... before I could grab my stitchy stuff! He was super happy though, and I couldn't bear to disturb him.
Eyes on me, not the dead tree paper stuff

 I am back at work today. I took a nap today, which I am super happy about! I haven't been taking naps at work due to school, and have greatly regretted that decision a time or two! :) I've done my studying for the day, and I am greatly hoping that I will get some stitching in now. We are up for call now, so I am keeping my needles crossed!
 I hope that all of you have had a great day and that there will be plenty of rest for all tonight!
 Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Friday the 13th is a lucky day here in this household. I enjoyed reading your Friday the 13th story, Emmy. Hope you were able to cross a few stitches! Have an enjoyable week!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Hi Robin! You've piqued my curiosity; why is it a lucky day for your household as well?

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Hi Robin! You've piqued my curiosity; why is it a lucky day for your household as well?