Sunday, September 22, 2019


  If you would have told me a year ago that my phone would have pictures of sheep brains, human muscle models, and partially dissected cats, I would have told you that you were nuttier than a squirrel turd and laughed you to shame. Life sure does have a funny way of changing, doesn't it? I know that God has a plan. Granted, sheep brains and dead cats seem to be a bit odd of a way to bring it about, but that seems to be the path He is guiding me down right now. It's funny though, when you think about it. I thought I would stay where I am now at, at least career-wise. It was the goal for many, many years. I poured my blood, sweat, tears, and time into it quite literally. It was a passion that burned brightly and helped me not only survive, but thrive, on a maximum of 4 hours of sleep at night. It kept me from quitting when quitting would have made a whole lot more sense. And yet, you start to see that the dream is not all that it is cracked up to be. You begin to wonder why you chose a career that has taken a lot from you. True, it has given you a lot. It has made you stronger. It has taught you how to stop seeking other's approval. It has also shown you that even the good has a darker side. That even the darker side can still have shafts of light in it. Even a dream can have a hint of a nightmare to it. And now, I'm looking to the future with hope in my heart again. I love the work I do now. Truly I do. But sometimes, the happily ever after is not what you thought it would be. And other times, it is what you thought it to be, at least to a point, and yet, you can't settle there. You are called away by an unseen force. Sometimes, you realize that after you read the words "The End," that this was just Book 1 of a series (truly a happy thing, when you love to read, if it is a good series). The problem is, you can't see too terribly far down the road you know you are being led down. Book 2 is still being written. Shoot, you're the leading character in Book 2 and you are still surprised over the presence of lab cats and the contents of a sheep's cranium in your story. Granted, you are the main character, not the Author. The Author knows best. And sometimes, everything feels like it is falling apart when it is really falling into place. Even if it does involves the sadness of deceased kitty cats and a malodorous sheep brain. I'm curious to see what God has planned for the next chapter. I'm hoping it smells better than dearly departed animals that donated their bodies to science. And a little concerned that if these two odoriferous cohorts are involved in this chapter, what might the next hold?


Robin in Virginia said...

Emmy, I look forward to reading what the next chapter entails for your journey. The Lord does have a plan and it will be unveiled in his time. Have a good week!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you, Robin, you are absolutely correct!