Saturday, March 14, 2020

New Project

Singing in the Rain by Madame Chantilly
On some king of Aida- oatmeal maybe?
I'm hoping I will work on this some more today. It definitely fits the day. Well, except for the singings part- I'm feeling more like napping in the rain, but that's close enough, right? So far, I've only stitched on it at work. Not really sure why- I'm really enjoying this piece. I might be about to get more time to stitch though. The college I attend has cancelled all in-class lectures and labs. Everything will be online or in some other form. On one hand, I'll save close to 2 hours of driving 4 days a week. On the other hand, I am really enjoying this class, and I don't see any way of learning the lab techniques that I might need on down the road. Everyone but one girl in my class has the attitude of "If I get it and die, I die. It's not like I can keep from dying if its my time." We are a bit of a realistic group, and all are pretty close to my age.
  There has been a confirmed case of Corvid 19 in Springfield now. No one in my immediate family is really that worried. We are a bit concerned for the grandparents, but there is no point in panicking over something that might not happen. We are getting concerned for our toilet paper situation though- all the stores are running out, and we had put off grocery shopping back before everyone started panicking. Oops!

  It sounds like dispatch has been given new guidelines, at least based on the information they just gave out over the radio on a call another truck is on. Too bad we don't have any guidelines- EMS tends to come up with policies in the middle of the issue occurring, or after the event has already occurred. Granted, I'm optimistic about all of this for my area (which is oddish for me- usually, I adopt an optimistic outlook and attitude, but fully expect and prepare for what would be realistic, and even a bit pessimistic). I'm hopeful that it won't hit too hard here, or at least not until vaccinations are available. I know some parts of the nation are starting to get hit hard though. Here in Missouri really hasn't been too bad yet. In Kansas City, 5 firefighters were quarantined after running a call on an individual that had Corvid 19 and died shortly after they interacted with them. My partner didn't know if they were showing symptoms, or if it was just a precaution. Regardless, I hope all of them are OK. Last I heard, all of the cases here involve people that had recently traveled to other countries. Granted, I really haven't been keeping up on it- I'm tired of constantly hearing about it, and some folks' incorrect assumptions.
  Well, I hope that you and yours are healthy, happy, and well stocked in toilet paper! How are things in your area?
Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Take care and stay healthy, Emmy! Public schools (K-12) in the entire state are closed for the next 2 weeks. Some churches are canceling services and the frenzy with tp and hand sanitizer is incredibly crazy. It does make me question some people's personal hygiene habits though when all the soap and sanitizer is cleared off the shelves.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

I agree; did they not wash their hands before this?!? I've noticed that people are washing their hands and germ-xing more at work, which is good, but I still wonder they did not practice good hygiene to begin with!