Thursday, March 26, 2020

Taking a vote

 So, how many of you are introverts? And how many of you are extroverts? If you're introverted like me, and stuck working anyway, its hard to see the benefits of quarantines, or "sheltering at home." Aside from the whole, flattening-the-curve-so-healthcare-capabilities-don't-get-overwhelmed-thing. And there not being as many people out and about. Except at Walmart- which is the pretty much the only place I'm going these days beside work, home, and the gas station. But still, I am finding it rather disappointing that I don't get to work from home. Oh well, maybe that will be reality some other time!
As Mom said, Anna's reaction is  Mom and myself, while Elsa's reaction is Dad and Kirst. (Granted, Anna and Elsa's personalities  are opposite of that, which makes it even more funny to me!) As a bonus, here is Olaf:
Are youns getting any extra crafting, movie-watching, or good ol' family time in during all of this social distancing?
 Happy quarantining!

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