Friday, August 14, 2020

Random Photos

Just a cutie hanging out in a box!

The sunflowers around Smokey’s bird feeder. :)

When not stitching, my hoop stand works great to hold my phone so Smokey and I can cuddle while watching videos together!
Speaking of Smokey...
Banjo, my dork. 

“What do you mean the fence got moved after you went inside the barn? Why would I know anything about that?!?”
Posing for a picture. Sadie is clean, but Daisy keeps the pool constantly muddy. 

Mother and son photos!
Daddy-daughter photos. Banjo must have thought she was meeting a boy or something, since he wouldn’t look at the camera. 
 I hope things are going great for all of you. Somewhere, there is a photo of my stitching progress. Who knows where, but it is somewhere! I’m at work, hoping the night goes well. I hope all of you have a great night. 

 Happy Stitching!



Robin in Virginia said...

Enjoyed seeing the random photos of the fur-kids, Emmy! What was Smokey peeking out of? Hope you are having a good weekend!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you! I am quite proud of my fur-kids!Smokey was peeking out of his cardboard cat house. When I walked through Walmart to purchase it, cat dewormer, and Pepsi, I had to accept that I am the crazy cat lady at the ripe old age of 25, lol. How have you been?