Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Hello All! This has quite possibly been one of the busiest Spring Breaks I have ever had! It has been difficult to get caught up on what I need to do, let alone what I want to do. And, of course, the first day of spring break was spent in mandatory training at work. At least until we became too busy with calls. Tomorrow school starts up again. I am not all that thrilled- this break flew by far too fast. 

  The weather has been nuts- one day it was in the 70s, the following day there were tornadoes in the general area of Missouri that I live and work, then the day after that,  there was snow. Our weather can never make up its mind around here!

 Things are progressing slow with my house. A coworker has agreed to frame it, once the foundation is finished. He recommended a guy to finish the foundation (with Dad's work schedule changing, I see no way it will be done by us), but that guy is booked through the end of May- beginning of June. He said he might be able to fit in somewhere in April, but can make no guarantees. Which is a bit of disappointment to me. Not sure if anyone else in the area will be able to do it any earlier or not- it is the season for such things now. 

  Yesterday, Mom, Kirst, and I visited Grandpa and Grandma B, as well as as my Uncle Bob and Aunt Charlotte. It was amazing getting to see them after so long apart. I also managed to sneak some stitching in, but forgot to take a picture. I did, however, remember to take a picture of a pillow my Aunt Charlotte embroidered many years ago. 

  I thought it was quite clever how she embroidered around the white squares to really make it pop!

  The kitties have been entertaining of late. Here is Ladybug helping Mom make her bed:

Someone had to help with laundry here:
Its hard work keeping each other in line!
 Someone had to hold Dad's foot still...

Storm watching:
 Helping me assemble a cabinet for Mom:

Supervising the cabinet assembly:
Signs of Spring!!!!!

Then snow...

  We are now back to things looking more like more spring, but it still cooler than it had been. Hopefully, it will warm back up soon! I hope all of you are doing well. Have a wonderful Sunday!

 Happy Stitching,



Robin in Virginia said...

Breaks always flew by; you blinked and they were over! Hope your class or classes go smoothly today and the rest of the semester. Your helpers are so adorable. I remember doing some of that embroidery on gingham fabric.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

That is the truth! Thank you! So far, they have been. That is cool that you have done the same style of embroidery!