Saturday, August 4, 2018

Pillow Forts, SpaghettiO's, and Cleaning, Oh My!

 Mr. Smokey is a bit cross with me since I didn't get this posted yesterday. In my defense, Mom and I enjoyed a relaxing morning chatting with Dad followed by swimming. We then went to town, and may or may not have spent too much time and money at JoAnn's. There were  a couple of other stops, but that was the big one! Anyhow, thanks to modern technology, I assured him that I can post it from work, which will hopefully unruffle his feathers a bit. 
 Dear World,
 I was wanting to write about the other day, but my mother is crazy. I love her, but she is a totally coo-coo-for-cocoa-puffs. I don't totally understand that saying, but she told it to me and I thought it was funny. She also said that she wishes they could write that on reports. Not on the reports of folks with legitimate mental illness. Just the ones acting crazy to be a turd or to try to get out of jail. Like today- why would any sane person leave their adorable, sweet, and cuddly baby at home to go to some place called work? Yep, she is crazy. Oh well, I'll try to keep her out of too much trouble; I did choose her for a reason, and that makes me responsible for her. Well, at least for as long as she remembers to refill my food bowl. If she gets too crazy to remember that, I'll just move in with Grandma and check on Ms. Coo-Coo from time to time. See, a smart kitty always has a backup plan. Anyhow, on to the other day!
 Mommy took Wednesday off of work because she thought the demolition derby might go late. She was correct. Thursday, though, was the day I helped Mommy a lot. I honestly don't know how she ever got anything done without me in the past! We spent a lot of time reorganizing her craft room (her fancy-smancy name for a closet) and other closet. She had to climb up on a stool to hammer a new nail in the wall to hang up some bags and stuff. She almost impaled me with the nail when she dropped it. And just when I was starting to be impressed with her awkward climbing skills. I kept her tennis shoe laces in line while she looked for the nail. Fortunately, this search resulted in her actually putting up some Christmas gifts and a couple of miscellaneous things. Will wonders never cease! I can see the floor in there again!!!  It also meant some empty bags for me to play with!  Anyhow, she finally climbed up the stool again to get the nail knocked into the wall. I was very impressed with this accomplishment and made sure to let her know. Humans need frequent encouragement, I've learned. I helped her put up some new fabric next. I carefully studied it; I am glad to say that I approved all all fabric purchases. Except Mommy wouldn't let me lay on them. I mean, what is up with that?!?! A lil' bit of kitty fur never hurt anything and its the best way to show approval!!! I then tried to get her to hold me, but she kept saying that she needed to get "some stuff done." Whatever, it was nap time and she is suppose to cuddle me extra on her first day off, never mind that she took Wednesday off. My schedule is extra snuggles every third day and she should know better  than to mess with a baby's schedule!!!! That just isn't OK!! Plus, I found out that she is 23 years old!!!! She's ancient!!! And ancient people need extra naps!!!!! I did use my powers of cuteness to get a few extra belly rubs, so not all was lost! She then went back into the "Craft Room" (I personally think that "Jungle Gym" was more fitting at the time) and worked on putting up stuff in there. She reorganized several things.  I dutifully acted my cutest to keep the cuckoo from getting too bored with all of this organizing. I also made it clear that we both needed to take a break and rest. I was partially successful. All I had to do was stretch up, barely place my paw on her calf, put on an utterly heartbreaking pleading face, and softly meow to get her to hold me. At least for a little while. Sucker- it  works on her every time! Hee hee hee!  It helps that I'm a super quiet little kitten. Whenever I meow, she pays attention. She would hold me and do things one handedly. This proved a bit cumbrous, and I was well entertained while trying to doze. She would set me down at times. I would wait for her to quit pretending that she has the climbing skill of a monkey before working the sucker move aggain. She did try once to stand on top of the stool to grab something- that was far  too worrisome for me. I would rather watch than risk personal injury. I mean, c'mon, if she hurts herself, who is going to go for help if she hurts me too? I don't see Lassie around here anywhere!
 At some point in the day I snuck away. If she wouldn't cuddle me at my every whim, then I was just going to have to improvise! I ended up slipping into Grandma's room and realized that Grandpa hadn't made the bed when he got up. Score! Grandma's pillows were perfectly arranged for me. I made a few minor tweaks, and voila! I had a pillow fort!!!! Best day ever!!!! I'm so glad that Grandma loves a lot of pillows!!!! And naps- she is truly a human after this kitten's own heart! Mom looked for periodically without success for a long time. She finally found me- it was the best, unintentional game of hide-and-seek ever!
 I did finish helping her in her "Craft Room." Since she wouldn't nap with me, I played with a baby spool of thread (it was just my size!) until Mommy distracted me with wadded up paper. I love paper. I shred paper! I didn't shred these though, I just batted them around until I was tired. I did manage to get some one armed cuddles, but I was getting motion sick since the crazy girl wouldn't hold still and give me the attention I deserve. I decided to nap on a Walmart bag with my paper close by while she finished. She was in the home stretch, I knew she could it on her own!
  That night after Grandma came home (Auntie Kirstie went to something called a "Camp Meeting" at her church), Mommy and Grandma decided on SpaghettiO's for supper. Mommy didn't finish hers, and I had hopped up on her lap for some overdue cuddles. I kept trying to go to the bowl, but Mommy said no. I guess she was still holding a grudge from that morning when I found her unattended bowl with a tiny bit of Honey Bunches of Oats cereal in milk in the bottom. Hey, a baby's got to eat! Besides, I don't see her eating my food- she says its cause it is kitten food, not human food, but I know it is really because it isn't as good as people food. Anyhow, I kept smelling the air and casting longing looks towards the SpaghettiO's and Mommy just laughed! How rude! So I immediately went over to Grandma (the recliner Mommy was in is right next to the arm of the couch that Grandma sits by) and started telling Grandma all about the injustice very vocally. Grandma looked me square in the eye as I told her that Mommy wouldn't share the SpaghettiO's, and Grandma looked at me and said, "Make her!" I couldn't resist casting a triumphant look at Mommy. Humans have to obey their parents- it bib-li-cal. Hah! Mommy didn't immediately cave though, the stubborn old fart. She told me that she would share if I would behave and be patient for a little bit. I flicked my tail and waltzed off to talk to Mr. Mousie. He would see the injustice of it all!!! After a bit, Mommy did give me the rest of her SpaghettiO's. Those things are delicious!!!! Oh my mouse, t hey tasted incredible!!!!!!! Even better than treats!!!!!!! In fact, I must say that they are just as good as the chicken Grandma put in a plastic sandwich bag for me. The baggie even has my name on it and Grandma decorated it for me. I scarfed the SpaghettiO's down to show Mommy that she was starving me! She just laughed and said that it wouldn't work, my food bowl was full so she felt no pity. What a heartless Rudey-McJudy! Oh well, she did hold me some more later on.
 I g uess thats all for now. My paws are a bit sore from all this  typing and Mommy doesn't need to know what I've been up to today. Plus, my food bowl is calling my name and eating makes me tired. I'm a growing boy after all, and growing boys need plenty of food and sleep to grow!I hope you're feline pawsome!
 Purrfectly Yours,


Robin in Virginia said...

SpaghettiO's? I haven't thought about those or any canned pasta in eons. Hope you and Smokey are having a good weekend!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Lol, there's a part of me that refuses to grow up! We are, I hope you are as well!