Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday Fun

  Still no stitching updates. That might have to wait until either my house is done, or in between classes. Although, tomorrow is Sunday, so we can always hope...
  In the meantime, here are a few pictures of Ladybug and Smokey Bear!

  Excuse the slight mess behind Smokey- Mom and I went yardsaling! Smokey was more than happy to sit on Mom's new-to-her pictures. He's cool like that. 

  Miss Ladybug has been a big help with digging the footing. She enjoys running up and down the ditch I have dug so far. She also likes climbing up the side of the tunnel, and licking dirt. Pretty sure she would be the kid that ate glue at school, but, hey, to each their own! She seems to have decided that I am digging her an elaborate litter box. On the up side, thus far I have caught her confusion each time in a timely manner, and was able to move the product out of stepping range. She has been helping me dig some- gotta love a hard worker! 

  I would post a few pictures of the progress, but my phone is being stubborn and not letting me download the pictures Mom sent. I'll try again later. 

  Today has not been too terrible at work. The student that I have had so far today has been a great help. Her very first call came in at 9 something this morning. Dispatch advised Covid precautions, so after dressing up like aliens, we entered the patient's house. She advised us that she started having some chest pressure that made her feel short of breath while walking down the stairs. She said she had just finished turning off some lights up there because she was about to take her walk when it  happened. No cardiac, respiratory, or medical history in general at all. The student did great with doing what she knew, and asking us to show her what she did not know. The 4 lead showed a lot of ST elevation, so I had the opportunity to show the student how to apply a 12 lead. The 12 lead showed a MI (heart attack). The patient stayed surprisingly calm about everything. She just needed a few seconds to absorb the news before she was able to continue answering my many, many questions and start planning what she needed to do. She called her husband while the FD got the cot for us (they're good guys). We hadn't brought it in because FD advised us that she was not sure that she wanted to go at first. I didn't really give her much of a choice after seeing the 12 lead. The student grabbed the stuff the patient needed, I helped the patient to the cot, Mr. Icecream (I can't remember if I gave my partner a nickname already or not) spoke with her husband, and off we went! The student did great; she did all that I asked. I had to teach her how to take BPs over palp (its next to impossible to hear a BP over road noise, let alone sirens), then she took that over. It was a blessing in disguise that our monitor's BP cuff received a hole at some point during the call; the student became extremely proficient in obtaining the BPs in a timely manner. She even spoke to the patient's sons over the phone while I was busy doing something. All in all, the call went very smooth. Traffic was better behaved than normal, so that was a bonus. We stopped for a short time in the ER so that an ER doc could confirm that we knew what we knew, and then it was off to cath lab. I'm hoping to get an update on how the patient did. She was really cool, calm, and collected. That said, I'm hoping that there is a lot less excitement during the night. We are due for things to calm down around here soon!

  I hope all of you are having a great weekend, please leave a comment and tell me all about it!

  Happy stitching!



Robin in Virginia said...

Glad your student was willing to receive instruction on the things she didn't know. Both the kitties looks like they are big helps.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Yes, they are very big helps! How have you been?

Robin in Virginia said...

Been okay! Enjoying my needle and thread time along with the cooler fall weather!