Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Meaningful Odd Quotes

   Do you ever have certain sayings that play through your head? Especially at times when you need them most? I love movies that are generally targeted at a much younger audience. Not preschool level, but whatever level the average animated Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks movie is aimed at. Mrs. Potts saying of "It'll turn out all right in the end. You'll see." has played through my head for many, many years. It is like God takes phrases from some of the oddest spaces in my life and goes, "Hey, my dorky, nerdy daughter will remember this, and I will use it to help remind her of my truths." This is one of those things. I might be worrying about choosing the wrong major or making the wrong decision and traveling down the path of worrying that I might have just messed up my entire life, because, hey, there are all of these amazing stories of how one choice, sometimes a seemingly insignificant choice, led someone down this amazing path that was better than anything that they could have imagined for their life. But then God quotes Mrs. Potts at me, and reminds me that He is in control, and He can orchestrate my mistakes, my failures, my decisions-good or bad- into the plan He has for me. I might make a wrong turn, but as long as I am trying to seek and follow His will for my life, He will help me find a new way to the right destination. And sometimes, what looks like a wrong turn is actually a pretty jaunt down a country road that serves as an incredible shortcut. And sometimes wrong turns were actually right turns- we just don't always get to see it in the near future. Sometimes we don't realize it this side of heaven. But God gets us where He wants us to be. If He used a whale to get Jonah to Ninevah after Jonah did everything he could to avoid that particular destination, I'm pretty sure He can get me where He wants me when He wants me there. Hopefully via a different mode though... I'm pretty sure the inside of a big fish stinks!


Robin in Virginia said...

Emmy, your post was spot on. And at times, it is hard to remember that God does indeed have a plan and it doesn't always line up with our thoughts/plans. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with many blessings.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!