Monday, December 30, 2019

Explosions, Christmas, and hospitals galore

Things have been even crazier than the normal level of crazy in my life. Christmas was wonderful, batteries exploded when I was getting ready for church on the 22nd (Smokey figured out what the gun shot sounds were- fortunately I shoved him out of the way before the second or third exploded, so I didn’t have to clean battery gunk off of him), my partner (not minion, the one after) had to quit because he has cancer (it doesn’t look promising), Grandma was in the hospital on the 26th and just released yesterday, and I had an ACLS class on the 23rd, so I had to finish wrapping gifts on Christmas morning. The wrapping gifts part wasn’t so bad (Smokey helped!), but my family was very impatient. Our last couple of shifts have been stupidly busy. I’m hoping today will not follow suit. Kirst and I did get to go the Silver Dollar City before Christmas! The shiws were so much fun!!!!!!!
I stitched while waiting for the show to start!!!!!  Daisy and her siblings turned one year old on Saturday. They are quite proud of themselves, even if they don’t know what they did! I’ll try to post pictures of various things soon. I’m gonna finish my lunch real fast in case we get a call. Just wanted to let youns know that I am still alive, hope you had an amazing Christmas, and wishing you a wonderful new year!
~ Emmy

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Hope things settle down for you! Wishing you a very happy and bright New Year!