Well, today has been interesting to say the least. Despite my attempting to will it to be otherwise, we awoke to snow and sleet outside. This is what the behind the ambulance station looked a few days ago:
And this is what it looked like this morning:
And now its back to green and sunshine-y. This is insane! It's April for crying out loud! No more snow until its Christmas time! I am most definitely done with winter weather. Hopefully the weather will be nice for my birthday and the Saturday following it.
Anyway, so that happened. Fortunately, the roads wasn't that bad. Although Bumble Bee (my car) felt like she was wearing body armor with all the weight from the ice. I made it home just fine and fed the critters. I fed the pups and a killdeer momma (I don't know which parent it is; its the more dedicated of the two, so I'm guessing its the momma) without any issues, aside from a Killdeer bird that was very cross at me for getting so close to her nest.

When I was feeding the horses, Peppy was pushier than usual. I think this weather is driving him crazy. We go from 50s to 70s to 60s to 20s... its ridiculous! (Both of my Uncle's horses have been staying here for the past few years. When he got married he moved to the city and there wasn't room for the horses there.) So, I was giving them their apples just like I usually do. Peppy is always pushy and tries to steal some of Bullet's apple. Bullet is the old man of the two and does not appreciate this in the least. Banjo was staying close to catch the pieces that fell. When Bullet eats, it reminds me of meal time at a nursing home (nothing against folks there; there's always that one that is more interested in people watching than chewing with his/her mouth closed). A large chunk of the food does not remain in Bullet's mouth and Banjo gets secondhand apple chunks. Plus the treats I already gave him. And, yes, he is quite happy with this and proud at how brave he is since he has to get super close to the ginormous horses to get those chunks! Anyhow, Peppy started his usual rubbing of drool on me, pushing me, and trying to steal my red gloves (this was new, but I did have them in a back pocket of my work pants, which is where I stick the apples at when I'm feeding the other critters. Gotta love all the pockets EMS cargo pants have!). All of a sudden, he comes up and almost catches Banjo with his front hooves. I hollered at Banjo and he surprisingly took his cue to leave. Peppy goes back to trying to get more treats from me while I finished feeding Bullet. Once Bullet was finished, I started walking to the gate. Peppy followed me, like always, staying behind me to my right so he could nudge my shoulder. The shoulder nudges are my cues to tell him how handsome he is and give him more attention. He is all about the ladies you see. Well, Guinea (my sister's dog) goes trotting several yards in front of us towards the barn. Next thing I know, there is a sharp pain in my abdomen and Peppy is front of me now with his back leg up. Thankfully Peppy took off after Guinea instead of kicking me again. I was also fortunate that he had just gotten his hindquarters in front of me, so he wasn't able to fully extend his leg. Plus, only half of his hoof made contact with my stomach. Still, it hurt and remains quite sore. Guinea made it without a scratch. The dork probably never realized that Peppy was ticked at him. Ah, the benefits of being half-blind, dingy, and a general, all-around, entertaining doofus.
On the upside, I did find another Killdeer nest in the pasture. Both nests were free of snow and had very caring parents. I did not give the second sets of parents any bread since Peppy is a bit nuts today. The dogs and myself did nothing out of the ordinary, just the same ole stuff we've been doing for years. I'm blaming the MO's mood swings with the weather. Well, I guess I should leave youns be for a bit and finish listing new product on my Etsy shop. I'll try to post pics of my stitching project later tonight or tomorrow.
Happy Stitching!
P.S. Here's pictures of the critters:
Guinea Pig
Banjo and Maggie (Mag-Mag)
Peppy and Bullet on a warmer day