Friday, September 21, 2018

Rainy Day Update

 Stitchin' rose, I apologize for not giving you a clue on what goes with the sheep. Here's an update photo: 
I'm not sure how I will finish it. I'm debating about a pillow for this one and maybe mounting the first one on a wooden thingie-ma-jigger at home (I'm at work, so no pic of the whatchamacallit today). I'm really, really hoping to finish it up today!!!!! That said, I'm at work and its rainy out. Rain seems to mean more wrecks and more folks deciding to go to the hospital since their plans are rained out anyway (usually this is the folks that always have the same complaint that are frequent fliers. This is not referring to the folks that have genuine health problems that call a lot. We get a lot of folks that say that their back is killing them and they can't take it anymore or folks claiming chest pain to get out of work. These folks are terrible actors/actresses. They are also more worried about playing on their phones than answering questions and allowing us to assess them. The pain one tends to be folks looking to get a high off of our narcs- they don't realize we have stringent rules on when we can and cannot give them, and that most of consider a pt that is more focused on playing games on their phone or napping not in need narcotic level pain relief). The temperature did drop dramatically from yesterday. Yesterday it was high 80s, but felt like 91. Today my phone is saying low-mid 70s. We might see a few more respiratory calls than usual. 70s is still usually warm enough that it doesn't trigger asthma/COPD exacerbations, but the weather has been weird, so it could happen. Since the weather is bleak, there is also a higher-than-usual chance of high priority calls. When the helicopters can't, or won't, fly, folks start trying to die. I tell you, its just so rude of them!
 I've been trying to work on figuring out some degree of scheduling with my time to help me accomplish more, use my time better, so on and so forth. What that means for youns is that I am going to try to start blogging on a more regular basis. I would love to blog daily, but some days are crazy, so I don't foresee that happening. That said, almost daily should be a possibility! I miss our chats when ever its been a while since the last post (like now). And I become even wordier than usual when I'm not posting as much. 😉
 I think I'm done yammering for a bit. I would love to hear what youns have been up to lately!  Oh, just one more thing (now I sound like Columbo!). this is my 99th post. To celebrate 100 posts, I am going to announce a giveaway in the next post. It should be put up today, hopefully shortly after this one. Stay tuned-         
Image result for same bat time same bat channel meme
 I hope you have a wonderful day!
 Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Super progress on the Autumn sheep, Emmy! The Batman and Robin graphic brought back memories from childhood. Hope you have a blessed Sunday!

Khristine Doiron said...

Awesome progress!! It is so sweet!