Tuesday, March 6, 2018


 Since I have to stay after work when my shift finishes on Thurs morning for mandatory training (Please note, I don't wanna!!!! Insert whiny 2 year old throwing a tantrum sounds here), I decided to make today my stitchy relaxing day as an incentive to resist the urge to grouch about lack of stitching that day. On my last shift, I decided to start this:
"He is Risen" by Lolita Made. That's the bit of progress I've made thus far. 
"The Bee" from Mulberry Folk Art has had a lot more progress so far.

For some reason it is going much faster and far more enjoyable than when I first started it. I stiched one quite some time ago and loved every second with the exception of the "knotty" moments. This time is different since I used a thinner muslim material for its more primitive look. However, it has been going well the past few days. Ms. Fiona is a bit under the weather, so I had to get a review from a different critic today.
Like a lot of small children, Ruthie decided that the best way to help her mother recuperate was by diving on top of her sleeping mother and then sit on top of her as her conqueror. Ruthie: "I'm helping Mommy feel better. Do you think poptarts mixed with choclate, popcorn, peanut butter, and maple syrup would be good for upset stomach? 
So, without further ado, here is Mr. Poop Emoji. (And for the record, calling him a poophead does not go over very well. Just sayin') 
Mr. Poop's review, and I quote, was "Those both look like poo poo with a dash of caca!" Coming from him, I'm not really sure if that is a compliment or an insult. Anyhow, that's my progress report  for today. I have made several floss changes with "He is Risen" because I'm missing a few of the called for flosses and some of my substitutes did not play nice with the others. Hmmm, maybe I'm related to them. I can play just fine with most people as long as they don't have dumb ideas, come up with a good idea when I draw a blank, and agree with all of my ideas. Just kidding! ;) Since the new colors are still pretty up in the air, I'll wait until its all decided before I list them. Please feel free to comment on your current projects; I would love to see what youns are working on!
Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

I enjoyed reading yesterday's post along with the previous ones (I'm catching up). Congratulations on finishing the Cinnamon Heart! You have inspired me to pull out the chart and get it stitched up.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you and I’m glad to hear that! Enjoy stitching yours!

Khristine Doiron said...

Both projects look great!