Friday, March 30, 2018

Why I shouldn't stay up past my bedtime...

So, I recently read a post from needle n thread on damp blocking embroidery. Since I tend to iron in more wrinkles than I take out and take a ridiculously long amount of time doing so, I decided to give this a whirl. Once I got off of work, I finally found a cork board hidden in the card aisle of Walmart. I proudly carried my scavenger hunt prize to the front, checked out, and continued on my quest for the needed supplies to accomplish such a task. I decided to swing by Dollar Tree next just to browse for a bit. Usually they're still closed when I get off work, but since a late call put us getting off 2 hours late, I decided to look at the late call as a fortuitous occurrence and make the most of it! As I meandered throughout the store I saw it: a pink glistening spray bottle! Oh glorious sight! Especially since I forgot this was one of the needed items... and you know, its all pink and sparkly! 'Nough said! So I finished up there, finished my other errands, and then returned home where I finally marked a few to-dos off my list. (I might've-sort've-accidentally- unintentionally also taken a 15 min cat nap...) At a rather late hour, I unfortunately decided that it was now the time to try out this new technique. So I fearlessly gathered my cork board, push pins, and spray bottle. Sprawled out on my closet floor, a.k.a. my craft room, I did my best version of the whole following-of-instructions thing. Then came the time to use the spray bottle. I cheerfully filled it up and proceeded to attempt to use it. I can honestly say, I don't believe that I have ever struggled so much with such a simple task. Once I finally figured out my new buddy's quirks, I then sprayed the tacked-on piece. Only instead of a mist, it was a stream. When I attempted to figure out why, I ended up doing my best impersonation of a cat playing in a water fountain by putting its paw in the stream until it redirects the water into its face. Yup, definitely a pure me moment! After removing myself from the ceiling and drying my face off, I noticed that there is only one hole in the nozzle. Ok, simple fix. I'll just find a way to make more holes. Easy peazy. Well, after locating my hammer and a small nail, I successfully made more holes without insulting my phalanges too terribly much. As I carefully, and quite proudly, surveyed my handiwork, I decided that a fine mist was out  of the question, but a mist-ish result was very well possible and would do just fine. Well, as I excitedly went to spray my needlework again, I realized that the drops coming out were a bit... well.. chunky. I determinedly decided that that is perfectly alright. After all, I'm a bit chunky myself! I decided to attempt a few more holes in the hopes that more water would end up on the stitchery than my hands and the carpet. I am, after all, nothing short of determined. Or down right bull headed stubborn when I get the notion. I personally prefer determined; it has a much nicer ring to it. I quickly accomplished this task and returned to test it out
again. Slight difference, but still chunky drops. I can honestly say that I never thought I would need to tell water droplets that they need to slim up a bit! That's all of my tale for now! Here's hoping for good results in the morning. I'll let youns know either way. Now, I'm off to bed before I become anymore dangerous (determined) than I already am!
Happy stitching to any insomniac readers; to the rest, sweet dreams & good night!
Emmy the Chunky Monkey and her pink sparkly (did I mention pink?!?) spray bottle!


Robin in Virginia said...

Oh Emmy, I hope your needlework piece comes out the way it should. Hope you were able to get a good sleep in!

Khristine Doiron said...

Can't wait to hear how it turned out!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you and It did; I’ll try to post pics and a link soon!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

It turned out good, much better than my ironing attempts, lol!