Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dear Zitzilla

Dear Zitzilla,
 Thank you so much for arriving during the holidays. I was genuinely concerned that I would not have the largest zit at the family gatherings. As you can imagine, that was a rather large source of stress. I was so thrilled when I could tell that you was making your arrival a few days ago. I was downright emotional when you made your appearance a couple of days ago. And I must say; you wisely chose a prominent position on a not often thought of area: my chin. There you sit, in all your glory, proud as a war hero that has returned triumphant from battle. Thank you so much for coming; I am certain to be the envy of all that I meet!
 Your Ever Grateful Admirer


Robin in Virginia said...

I feel your pain, Emmy! Try some toothpaste on it before you go to bed.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

I'll have to try that!