Thursday, November 21, 2019

Slouchy Sock Day

 Well, today has been a good day. Except, it appears that today must be slouchy sock day. At school, my socks kept slouching down and trying to slide off in my shoes. Now, at work, my knee highs are trying to do the same thing, regardless of whether I am wearing my boots or not. Now what is up with that?

 School has been going well, just busy. We will have our last Lab Practical next Monday, a lecture quiz sometime after that, and our final on the 11th. This semester has flown by! I am sad to see this class end since I have greatly enjoyed it, but I am thankful to be one step closer to my end goal!  My brain feels happy now that it is getting new knowledge (and being reminded of the old) on a regular basis.

  Sadly, there has not been much time for stitching. There has been even less time for stitching than there has been for posting! ;) Hopefully, that will change soon. Or, I'll better manage my time and be able to post somewhat regularly. Seeing how I have said this before, it would be best for us to hope, but not hold our collective breath on it!

 And to end on a cute note:

 Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Hope your last bit of stuff for this class goes well for you, Emmy!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you!