Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hopalong Cassidy and MudBud

  So, Mom tore her meniscus (its inside of the knee) on Sunday, while I was at work. She's currently on crutches (they look child-sized- she is just 4'11," so they might be), and is getting along really good with them. She's been McGyvering solutions all over the place to figure out how to carry stuff. She was even trying to plot out how she was going to vacuum the other day. Normally, I fully encourage creativity, but I had to shut that idea down. She is a nut. A very, very, very stubborn nut. Who gave birth to a daughter that is equally stubborn and nutty. So, it works.
So, that was the Hop-along Cassidy part, now on to the MudBud part. Miss Daisy is very much like her presumed father; she absolutely adores mud. 

 Well, I don't really have much to report on the stitching front. And by not much, I mean nada. I was hoping that would change today, but we ended up taking a psych LDT.
  I hope that youns are had an amazing day and that you got to enjoy some sunshine wherever you are at!
 Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

No sunshine here, it is raining! Mudbud is adorable. Glad you convinced your Mom against the vacuuming. Have a super weekend, Emmy!

stitchinrose said...

Have a great weekend Emmy and a Happy Palm Sunday! Hope your mom heals up fast. I had a horse when I was young that liked water. He would paw the water splashing everywhere and would sit in it. Didn't matter if you were on his back or not. Grandpa always said it was because he was a May baby.

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

You too!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

That is hilarious about your horse! You have a great weekend and happy Palm Sunday to you as well!