Saturday, April 13, 2019

In which we learn about Pokemon Go

  So, apparently Minion is addicted to the Pokemon Go app. Which explains why he has been messing with his phone so much more here lately while driving (its about to become an issue. He got the app about 1 month ago. It may not be responsible for all of the increase, but I don't feel that folks should be messing with their phone whlile driving, especially while driving an ambulance, and especially when we have a patient. Because if I'm with the patient, its so much harder for me to help them drive while they're freaking DRIVING DISTRACTED!!!!!!! Mind you, these are also the first people to point out that a driver was on their cell phone when they caused a wreck, and occasionally, their own demise (we can tell because they die with their phone in their hand...). Oh, the irony.

 Any who, we drove around the town park while he played the app. Again, I wish I could've drove while he did this, but he did pull over to play the game (he probably knew I would throw his phone into the duck pond if he didn't). So, while he played and told me the finer points of Pokemon Go, I stitched and texted Mom. I did have to give up my nap for this (I had just laid down when he asked), but I did get a few rows stitched.

  Sorry for the terrible photos; lighting is horrendous today. 
    At least I got some stitching done!!! Hopefully, I'll be ok without the nap. 
Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Hmmm, your Minion isn't setting the best example with driving and use of his phone to play a game. Glad you were able to get in some stitching, Emmy!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

You are bvery right about that! For some reason, he wouldn't let me drive. Granted, if I had realized that he was going to play while driving in circles, I would've just taken the driver's seat without asking. Unfortunately, EMTs and paramedics messing with their phones while driving seems to be very common place, at least in this general area. Which drives me crazy.