Monday, April 22, 2019

Visit from Mr. Frog, a kidnapping, and the Happy Hobo, Oh My!

  Ha! How's that for sounding dramatic? Don't worry, the kidnapping is in the book I'm reading. But for us bookworms, that tends to be just about as serious as a "real" person being kidnapped. Anyway, I sat down to stitch and realized that Mr. Frog was about to pay a visit....
  Apparently, I felt that the second story didn't need windows! :) At least I hadn't stitched too terribly much on that line. But when I realized that I needed to do some frogging, I also happened to see my book laying on the table as well. Which made me send this text to Mom: "I was going to stitch for a bit. I even took it in hand... then I saw that I needed to do some frogging... and then I remembered that the 17 year old girl in my book is still missing. And it would be very irresponsible to leave a 17 year old girl MIA, especially since she may be in the clutches of her potential would-be murderer. So there's that...." Granted, autocorrect changed some words, but thats what it was suppose to read. I ended up frogging and stitching a bit instead:
 I like the varigated thread I'm using, I just wish it would fall where the deep red and the bright red fell together in contrast more often. Hmmmm, I might have to work on that a bit more!
 Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go try to rescue a 17 year-old-maybe-kidnapped-girl.
 I hope all of you are as happy as the Happy Hobo calling everyone a rock star and handing out free advice that we met at Kum & Go after dropping our patient off at Big Town Hospital (he totally could've gone to Local Hospital, but the nursing home and his guardian were insistent on Big Town. Ah well, so it goes!)

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Emmy, good progress on the house. Glad you caught your lack of windows to the second story before you had your house siding more constructed. Have a good week!