Sunday, July 8, 2018

Odds and Ends

 Well, there hasn't been too terribly much to report for the past few days. Mom and I went to a couple of flea markets the other day. Then, Mom, Kirst, and I went to flea markets/antique malls yesterday in Nixa. I forgot to take pictures of some thimbles I bought; I'll try to get some posted in the near future. I've been stitching a firefly for a coworker. She is making some sort of a project, and needed one for it. I'm gonna have to ask her what she is making next time I see her! So far, I just have the hiney and part of the body stitched in floss colors that she picked out. Floss colors are: DMC E699, DMC E3852, DMC E703, and of couple of unknown brand and number ones... I apparently fort\got to mark the bobbin thingy ma-jiggers. Oops! The pattern is "Fireflies" by the designers of Daily Cross Stitch and is stitched on 18 or 14 ct black aida cloth. The packaging for that is at home as well and I am too lazy to count it to see which it is. By the way, does anyone else have a love-hate relationship with metallic thread? I love the sparkliness, but find  them to be very, very cantankerous! Which makes me stitch at an even slower rate than I have been lately. Which makes me sad, but not for long. I am, after all, planning on calzone for supper and one can not be too sad when one has calzone to look forward to!

 Mr Smokey will be giving an update soon. I don't quite think he's old enough to use the computer unsupervised just yet. He is still absolutely adorable. Except the turd won't drink his Benadryl spiked milk. I wouldn't have to clean his eyes as often if he would, the brat. I gave him a bath the other day since he unfortunately arrived at the house with a side of fleas. He's too young/little for the flea treatments. Dad estimated him to be at roughly 6 weeks and he was 1 lb 14 oz at his last weigh in. I did have to loosen his collar some the other day, so he has put on weight. That or his fur has gotten even more fluffed out! 

Well, my stomach indicates that it is probably time for me to get off of my hind end and walk over to the pizza place! (I know- its beyond cool that we can literally walk to the pizza place from the station- comes in very handy for the times when I have a partner that does not understand how important it is to feed me often at semi-regular intervals. Although, the pizza place does not understand the importance of being open 24/7!)
 I hope your needle is flying!


Robin in Virginia said...

Mr. Smokey is a cutie. Hope you enjoyed your calzone although it is too bad the pizza place isn't open 24/7!

Khristine Doiron said...

Love how that thread looks on that dark blue fabric! Can't wait to see it finished!

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you, and I totally agree!!! :)

The Sew Happy Stitcher said...

Thank you! I love the sparkle!