Monday, January 28, 2019

Finish and New Start!

 Yule Queen is finished!
  Sorry for the less than great picture, the lighting at work is sad. Still, she is finished! I really enjoyed this one! I did change at least one of the colors since I didn't have the color or the DMC equivalent. I'm feeling lazy right now, so I'm not going to look up the color change(s). Maybe I will later, maybe not. 
 Its been busy at work- just not call wise. Got to work, did  the usual morning stuff (Minion is off today), ran a call (frequent flier- he does have legit issues, its just part of the time he isn't having a medical problem, he just wants a road trip. The most boring, anti-fun road trip in the history of ever, but, hey, its the only reason he is currently allowed to leave his house, so there is that.)
  We got back from that, told the supervisor and big boss about the brake issues with our truck (a reoccurring issue with our ambulance that does not get fixed in a timely fashion if left up to maintenance alone. Also realized that the bald tires had not been replaced over a week ago like they were suppose to be. I seriously hope no one from work reads this blog, I could be in trouble for saying all of this, despite taking care to not mention the town or service I work at. I'm tired and willing to take a chance in my tired state.  Still, I count you all as friends and feel that it is only fair to explain why I might be kind of short, irritable, and/or frustrated at times.), ate lunch, QAed reports, and then went to the tire shop. We spent around three hours there. I am about as patient as a small child that is hungry and needs to pee in situations like that, so I made sure to bring my new start with me:
I'm using 32 ct natural linen that is whatever brand Hobby Lobby keeps on hand. I changed out the thread for the more cheerful 817. Missouri winters are dark and dismal. I can handle winter weather (particularly if I am at-and get to stay at- home, I like rainy days (unless its a summer day that I was planning/wanting to swim/tan), but I do not like months of dark dreariness. It affects Mom and myself the most. Kirst is in a generally good place as long as she has her critters, but in spite of the comfort I find in the little fuzzies, I still need some sunshine in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tell Mom that we are sunflowers. We need some rain, some food, and a TON of sunshine to truly be our best self. Now if I could just get Missouri weather convinced and sympathetic to this. Anyhow, I digress. Due to the amount of time we spent there (it was justified- we needed 6 tires, back brakes, and a new roter, rotar, whatever- that thingie ma bob), I got 3 motifs done:
Unfortunately, no time was left for my nap, so I'm borderline grumpy now. Again, I am basically a small child in the body of woman that is the height of a small child. Oh, and just to further support my child-like individuality, I also had animal crackers in my sewing bag. And I did not share with the small child that was also waiting at the tire shop. See; a child's snack, and a child's sharing capabilities! Don't worry, she had tic tacs.;)
 I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Her Mom cut her off from the tic tacs approximately half way through their wait. Ok, I'm not that heartless. I didn't share because I had actually forgotten that I had tossed them in there. Don't judge me, I'm a work in progress. I'm thinking that I might pop a movie in and still attempt to squeeze a you know what into the day. I'm up for call though, so if I manage to get one in, it will probably be interrupted shortly after its beginning. Oh well, a girl can dream, right?
 I hope you have a great day filled with stitching, naps, and everything and everyone you love!
 Happy Stitching!
 P.S. I'm sorry about not responding to blog comments. I love reading them, butunless I fire up my laptop like I did today, I can't respond. Usually I respond on my phone or laptop, whichever one I'm using that particular day, but there is some kind of issue with using my phone. Not sure if its the phone, or just Blogger. Anyhow, that is why there might be a delay in me responding to your comment or answering a question.

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on your Yule Queen finish! Your new start looks fabulous and I like your thread choice on your linen. Hmm, no judgment from me as there are things I am not going to share. Very happy to hear that you are no longer driving around on bald tires!