Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Poor Start to the new year...

 Well, I am currently on my way to the land of ridiculously far, far away. We are traveling over 177 miles to a hospital with a children's area. On the up side, my pt is absolutely adorable. He is 5 years old, has an ornery smile, and loves to talk. He is keeping me updated on how far away we are by watching the GPS on my phone. He is a huge help :) The poor fellow had been recently released from this hospital, just waaaaaaaayyy earlier than he should have been. He wasn't fully recovered from his pancreatitis and they did not wait for some of his labwork to return to normal. I'm enjoying his company, I just wish it would have been under better circumstances. I'm trying not to laugh; they gave him some pain medication right before left, so his pupils are huge! He has told me about his pets, superheroes, and how he has Batman underwear (I'm wearing my Batman stocking cap right now.). His favorite color is red and black. He really likes the copy of his heartbeat that I printed off of the monitor for him. He is truly a sweet little boy. I think he's starting to get a bit tired though- I've been gradually dimming the lights on him. ;)
 Minion went home since a different fellow picked up the remainder of his shift. I'm glad because he would be whining and throwing a tantrum about this trip right now. The bad thing is, my current partner is tired and so am I. I didn't get a chance for a nap earlier with how calls fell and CP (current partner) was at a family function today and only recently returned from traveling for one of his many other jobs. Simply put, this is not the safest trip to be making. I don't make the policies though. I'm just stuck mostly abiding by them. If this would have came in during the day, it wouldn't have been a big deal. Sure, its not ideal, but still not that bad a'tall. But at nighttime, well, fatigue tends to be greater then. And that isn't fair to the cute little fellow strapped to my cot right now. My prayer is that we have a safe, fast, and uneventful trip. I hope youns take care and get plenty of rest.
 Wishing all traveling safe travels and those tucked in their own beds sweet dreams,

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